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To represent my work within publicity for the show I have chosen an extract from the final version of the video and a few of the valves. The reason why I haven’t chosen the full typology is because its orientation is portrait and it will look too small on the projection. For the same reason I choose just one of the valves to represent my work on the postcard and to have continuity I have done the same for the catalog and website. I look forward to seeing all of it.

MADA10 website:
MADA10 Facebook:

Short Artist Statement:

This project observes functional architecture from the industrial era and its environment, exploring this study through methodical photographic documentation. It comprises the mixing of digital and analogue technologies and engages with the materiality of the output surfaces to effectively capture the suspended and timeless state of its primal subjects.

1. Show reel

2. Postcard

These are the different sequences of footage composed in Final Cut Pro. The average number of photographs per footage is 800, the frame rate is 8fps.

Dark Canal Water

Blue Canal Water

Close-up Reflection of gasometer

Reflection of gasometers

The next one is a composite of two sequences overlayed, as I said in the symposium, to mirror the process used on the valve images where I merged two different exposures I am exploring the merging of two different footages into one. This presents to the viewer a double set of information of exactly the same location captured at different times, bringing the concept of time capture closer to mind.
The sequence shown below is just the basis for the final piece where the pace of the sequence will slow down at random intervals reminding us of the static nature of the footage and bringing back the pensive quality of photography.

The following are two rough sketches for the proposed installation of the screens that will show the final footage. The idea is to show the same footage on three screens sequentially so the water movement is emphasized, traveling from one screen to the next one (past-present-future), showing the time line and narrative by using the vertical spatial display. I  think that the formalism of this display ties in with the formality of the valve typology displayed on a frame. It makes a connection in between the two pieces of work strengthening  their viewing context.

Front view

Back view

A previous idea was to have it in a low rectangular box, with the monitors looking up, simulating the way I took the footage of the water.

and this was a former idea of having 3 plasma screens on a corner set, it has an inclusive feeling but it is very different from the way in which I am displaying my valve piece, if I were to have a room just for the displaying of this piece, this shape could have been a good proposal but with large x large scale screens instead.

Due to the lack of response from my request to photograph my chosen industrial interiors I discussed some changes in my project with Andy.

The overall idea for my project is to capture some of what remains from the functional architecture of the industrial era in an attempt to represent this period of time trough modern digital technology and in this way make a connection between our current digital revolution and the 19th-20th centuries industrial revolution.

My visualization of the project was to document functional architecture from the inside out; documenting the machines and the spaces where the machines are housed, as well as making a connection not only to the outside but also to an element with which all these inventions/technological advances depend upon: water.

I have documented machinery, water and some industrial interiors, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to gain permission to access THE interiors that I really wanted to show for the exhibition. I have written numerous letters, but I haven’t had any positive feedback. Most of the buildings I was hoping to gain access to belong to Thames Water and they are very difficult to reach.

So, the nature of my exhibition prototype has changed slightly. I will be concentrating on the valves piece and the time lapse piece. In some ways this has its positive side as I’ll be able to dedicate more time to the intaglio printing and the video compositing. Of course in an ideal world I would have liked to go into these places and document the architectural space. This still may happen although I don’t think it will be within the duration of this course.

I also discussed the digital nature of my project. The typology composition fits in with the archival desire of my project and at the same time, approaching typologies from a digital art perspective, I could see how it would fit within the concept of bringing industrialism forward as my intention is to create a parallel between the typology concept and the way that information is sought and presented in digital environments, for instance on a Google search. I could also extend this concept of typology to the chronophotography footage as it consists of image after image of water where you can see the development of the image through time.

I think that to make a further connection to the digital and to give a stronger contextualization I will name my pieces using meta-words.

Tutorial report form here

Esmeralda Muñoz-Torrero
